The Scotland & England marriage

Is this a toxic relationship?

I am Elyse Hocking
6 min readApr 27, 2021
Photo by Connor Mollison on Unsplash

Between the four nations (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) there are around 66 million people (, 2020) and 5 million businesses. 56.29 million of those people reside in England, 5.454 million in Scotland, 3.15 in Wales, and 1.89 in Northern Ireland.

Let’s just imagine that each country is a person. England is a large and bolshy gentleman who thrives on historical power (possibly comes from a wealthy family, let’s imagine). Wales is a quiet woman who just wants to keep herself to herself. Northern Ireland is much the same and Scotland is a strong and independent couple who live wild and free but still have enough assets in their pocket that they can live healthily.

The bolshy Englishman hears of this wild Scottish couple, living well within their own lands. Food grows plentiful and heck, they even have iron and ore, and plenty of mineable lands and fish! But dang it! They’re a happy couple and the Englishmen don’t live there and have no reason to visit. But darn it, he really wants some of that ore to make his castle look divine and, the fresh fish might go down a treat at the banquet too. He hatches a plan to break up the couple, sneakily at first but if that doesn’t work — by force. Of course, it’s because he implies that working together ensures the woman's safety if the man is away hunting, or, that the Scottish couple will have more ability to taste the English edibles and have access to their tradesmen.

But the Scottish couple is happy, they don’t need fancy clothing and strange foods — they’re happy with what they have; each other, their lands, safety, and what is provided for them right on their doorstep.

The Englishman's facade fades away and he no longer tries to push the idealized story of partnership and assisting each other — he just wants those lands and that darned fish. His belly is growling now so he sends in his men to do his dirty work. Animals are slaughtered, women and children are separated from their men and the lands are claimed as English territory.

The English gentleman didn’t need Scotland or what it provided, he just ‘wanted it’ because it wasn’t his.

For over 300 years Scotland has been forced into agreements with England which eventually formed the United Kingdom. A union. Or so it was told. What has resulted is a powerhouse that has boosted the UK’s standing within the world markets and one that England has used to agree on various partnerships worldwide— Scotland and devolved governments however have barely any powers to make their own choices.

This is literally the Dragon’s Den where the Dragon’s take more than the initial % in order to boost the hopeful small businesses' long-term prospects, however, it doesn’t always work in the favour of the small independent business owner.

Some of the portrayed benefits of a united-UK include

  • Boosted economy.
  • Stronger GBP £ as it’s owned by the Bank of England.
  • The UK’s financial standing enables lower interest rates.
  • Public services are more affordable when we are together.
  • Stronger ‘world voice’. Especially as members of the UN, NATO, Commonwealth, G7, G8, and G20. The EU would have been included in this line-up but Brexit happened.

Scotlands strengths but England's weaknesses if we split

  • 2/3 of Scottish imports go to England. If we separate the economic growth will be slowed for England.
  • Public services such as prescriptions and eyewear (income dependant) are free in Scotland. As is education. England is the only one benefitting from affordable public services when we are aligned. The lack of income from Scotland will make England’s public services more expensive.
  • Scotland is a rich country — £177 billion in national income in 2019. We’re certainly large enough and rich enough to become independent and if you consider a ‘per head’ calculation, we are richer than New Zealand, Japan, and Italy.
  • We have 25% of Europe’s tidal power potential and 25% of Europe’s offshore wind potential. Scotland currently generates 90% of its electricity from renewables.
  • Scotland has a strong import game. Our food and drink sector alone is worth around £15 billion. We also export nearly £19 billion of manufactured goods outside of the UK making us the larger exporter of goods to the EU and EU free trade deal countries than any of our union countries.

Scotland would need to consider

  • A new currency. The GBP belongs to England. Could we utilize the Euro through the EU Banking Authority eventually if we join the EU?
  • DVLA, HMRC and HM Passport Office, BBC (Pfft) are examples of English companies — we would need to consider alternatives. If we rejoin the EU we can utilize their companies such as EUCARIS rather than DVLA.
  • Rejoining the EU once again in order to boost and protect areas such as agriculture and fisheries.
Photo by Gabriela Palai from Pexels

As a Scottish woman, I understand both sides of the coin. Everyone alive today has only known Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland as ‘the United Kingdom’. Westminster has always ruled us and, many are unaware of the fight and the difficulties Scotland has faced trying to reclaim ownership of its lands and rights. England sees what it wants, it uses us to boost its goals yet we have barely any say in the matter. Scotland knows what is best for Scotland. Surely it makes sense to allow each devolved country to rule its own country ‘in partnership’ with each other — a peace treaty as such, without forcefulness.

Many people simply cannot see the big picture, many are happy to carry on with Westminsters rule on our country and ultimately our future without having an understanding of what we provide versus what we actually receive. Many of the things we see in Scotland today are due to the Scottish Government fighting tooth-and-nail for those rights and it's something they continue to do. Yet many will focus on the here-and-now along with which person they personally dislike or, she has this hair color surely she’s breaking some restrictions during lockdown — let’s just say, life and the current political issues are way more than the materialistic issues portrayed in the media.

Surely you must hate the English?

I know you’re thinking it. The answer to this would be absolutely not. I have zero hate for the English people. Many of my own family members are English. The English people in themselves really have no say in what Westminster does, especially with devolved agreements so it would be absolutely ridiculous to hate people that have no say in the situation.

If this was a relationship

If this was a serious relationship, where let’s just imagine it’s a heterosexual relationship for a minute- and, the woman was muted where possible by the man. She was not allowed to agree on any contracts such as where she worked, what bills she wanted to pay, what providers they should use within their home and, the ones that he chose were not in their best interests leaving the woman feeling more devolved and depressed than normal with a sense that she was ultimately losing herself.

What if she wasn’t allowed to speak up and if she did all of the man's friends would start rumors via group chat to counter any of the woman's valid claims. What if she constantly begged for them to split up before one or the other gets hurt. What if she tried to leave — but he wouldn’t allow it. What if he had her chained into an unthinkable agreement that they would be together forever because ‘she’ looks hot and gives him a better standing amongst his friends.

Would you tell her to stay? Or would you tell her to get out as fast as she can and in any way that she can?

It’s the same for the UK partnership. Scotland wants to be their own person — either grant those allowances (and see us thrive or fail) or, let us go. It’s been a long relationship full of hurt and bias. We need to start fresh — now is the time to do that. Let’s relinquish ourselves from the abuse of power.




I am Elyse Hocking
I am Elyse Hocking

Written by I am Elyse Hocking

Blogger | Scottish life and personal opinion *All views my own* You can also find me at:

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